
Escape from Mars!

The Devil’s in the details

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Escape From Mars is a collaborative teamwork training activity for virtual meetings to get teams talking, engaging and cooperating.

This training activity comes with a licence for use with up to 24 participants per training session within your organization and the activity files can be stored on one device.


Having completed a Mars mission, teams must locate their Escape Pod which, in 60 minutes time, will return them to the Mother Ship. But first, they must sort out a few issues:

  • Locate the Escape Pod
  • Work out the correct entry code
  • Complete 10 tasks
  • Assemble a transponder

With a Mars chart and segments of information to piece together, teams must first pinpoint the Escape Pod. To gain entry they need to find a Key Code. They must also 'construct' a four-part transponder (each team has details of one part) and complete 10 tasks.

To add to pressure, some tasks require information from other teams. In the heat of the moment, are teams willing to share data and, if so, can they do it quickly and accurately, so that all teams are in with a chance to escape? One wrong bit of data could spell disaster, as will exceeding the deadline. Will teams perform as competitive rivals and focus on their own team’s success or can they see the bigger picture?

A great activity to bring out the value of collaboration in an organisation. How well do participants work as individual teams? How ready are they to join forces with other teams: ‘one for all and all for one’?

A fun exploration of values, levels of trust and attitudes, not least to their fellow workers. Lots to discuss!


  • Introduce the activity in plenary session using the PowerPoint (optional). Explain each team will pick a leader and that teams should divide the activity into three phases: Read, Plan, Implement. Then send the four teams to their separate breakout rooms.
  • Send out the Team Files and allow ten minutes for the READ phase.
  • Teams then spend ten minutes, as a team, discussing the task, setting objectives and deciding how to go about the task. This is the PLAN stage.
  • At the 20 minute point, they start on the task itself. The leader should be evident, team members should all be actively engaged and a sense of motivation and organisation should prevail. Nominating a communicator, to talk with other teams, is essential, as is someone to keep an eye on the deadline. This is the IMPLEMENTATION phase.
  • Be ready for teams (as one big group, part group, or an individual team) to contact you to check their completed task. Have they found the Escape Pod, got the Entry Code and solved the 10 tasks? Are they blasting off alone or waiting for other teams? Confirm success - or otherwise!
  • At the 60 minute deadline, stop the activity. There is no longer a chance to escape. Send the Team Review Form to each team (still in their breakout rooms) and allow time to reflect on their performance, ready for the Debrief.
  • Conduct a Debrief in plenary using the guidance in the Trainer's Notes and the PowerPoint (which contains the answers, explanations and key learning points).


  • to demonstrate the importance of inter-team collaboration
  • to formulate and implement a plan
  • to test a range of problem-solving skills
  • to show the need for good communication skills
  • to manage a tight time schedule
  • to see the bigger picture
  • to practice remote teamworking


  • Trainer’s Notes (PDF file)
  • PowerPoint (for introduction & debrief) (PPT file)
  • Team File (PDF file) specific for each team and including:
    • Your Brief
    • Mars Map
    • 10 Tasks
    • Transponder Part (one of four essential pieces)
  • Team Answer Form (PDF file)
  • Team Review Form (PDF file)

This Northgate training activity comes with a five-year licence for repeat use with up to 24 participants per training session within the license-holding organization.

Escape From Mars! is designed by Northgate Training Activities and is supplied digitally via the Northgate Trainerhub.  An Email will be sent containing these  instructions in 1-3 business days.