
What's My Leadership Style Online Assessment

Identify your leadership style and help managers and supervisors improve performance.

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The theory behind HRDQ's What's My Leadership Style is based on the proven personality theories of Marston and Jung. The model identifies two basic dimensions of personal style:  Assertiveness and Expressiveness. Assertiveness is the effort a person makes to influence or control the thoughts or actions of others. Expressiveness is the effort that a person makes to control his or her emotions and feelings when relating to others. Combining the two dimensions results in a four-quadrant model with four unique personal styles:  Direct, Spirited, Considerate, and Systematic
The simplicity of the model makes it is easier for you to facilitate and it will be easily remembered by your participants. You will find the model is quickly picked up by learners and integrated back on the job.
This product will provide access to a single use of this online assessment for self-study or evaluation purposes. 



You will need to purchase 1 online assessment per individual participant.

If you'll be conducting online assessments regularly, add on the One-Time Online Assessment Administration Fee to create an HRDQ Assessment Center Account for ongoing tracking, administration and support. See product code #SOLASADM, and add to your shopping cart.

This is a downloadable product. You will receive emailed instructions on how to download the software. It may take 1-3 days to receive this email, depending on the day of the week that the order is placed. 


  • Personalized, full-color report
  • Results of 20-item assessment
  • Understanding Leadership
  • Understanding Leadership Style
  • Your Leadership Profile
  • Your Leadership Style Strength
  • Your Leadership Style Trouble Spots
  • Flexing Your Leadership Style
  • Recognizing Others' Dominant Style
  • Applying What You've Learned
  • Comparative Data


Gone are the days of mailing pre-work to participants, shuffling paperwork, and tabulating scores in your head. Here is a streamlined solution that will transform the way you prepare for and deliver training with assessments, whether your audience is 20 or 20,000. The online assessment portal gives you complete control over the entire process, from distribution, to administration, scoring, and data management, all with just a few clicks of a mouse.

As a trainer, the Assessment Center enables you to distribute assessments simultaneously to a global audience, manage and track participant progress and completion, access scores immediately and control the release of results, provide full color results to your audience, and print interpretive reports on demand. Participants have 24/7 access to a secure personal account, the ability to complete assessments from any location, at any time, automatic scoring and instant results.