Shape-Up Game

Shape up your communicationd game or hhip out

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In this game of communication and collaboration, blindfolded players must figure out which of the shapes that they hold is a duplicate. Success requires clear and concise communication, active listening, and collaboration, as several of the shapes could be easily confused with each other

The facilitator will instruct players, 

“Without looking at your shapes, determine which players have matching shapes.” Optionally, you can let them know that only two players will have matching shapes. Or, you can throw in more matches and NOT tell them how many will be a match (this is much more difficult!)


This communication and teambuilding game contains:

  • 26 wooden shapes (2 each of 13 different shapes)
  • 10 blindfolds


In addition to the Shape-Up game, facilitation notes include 5 additional game ideas including:

  1. PARTNER PAIR-UPS - players use the 13 different shapes to find a partner (one with either a matching or complementary shape)

  2. BEHIND-THE-BACK PARTNER PAIR-UPS - without seeing the shape that they hold, players must find the person who has their matching shape.

  3. SHAPE-UP ICEBREAKER INTROS - using the shapes a metaphors, players pick a shape that reminds them of a personal experience (or a learning goal; or a characteristic they’re proud of; etc.)

  4. METAPHORICAL DISCUSSIONS & DEBRIEFS - players choose a shape that represents an observation, question, or learning point, and share their metaphorical reflections with the whole group.

  5. SHAPE-ly DEBRIEF & REFLECTION QUESTIONS - conduct a "" debrief

S – SHAPES - discuss what was difficult about describing the shapes

H – HELPFUL/HURTFUL - identify approaches that were helpful or hurtful to the effort

A – ACTIONS - focus on actions and break-through moments

P - PREPERATION - draw out the impact of preparation as teams approached the challenge

E – END RESULTS - discuss the group's satisfaction with their end-result


©Trainers Warehouse.  SHAPE-UP is a collaboration between Teamwork & Teamplay and Trainers Warehouse.

Shape-Up Game

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