
Personality Style Inventory Facilitator Guide

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Unlock your team’s potential with the Personal Style Inventory (PSI). This bestselling assessment, grounded in Carl Jung’s personality theory, enhances self-understanding, fosters growth, and improves workplace relationships. For over 25 years, PSI has empowered employees to break free from old behavioral patterns, promoting effective communication and collaboration. Invest in self-awareness and watch your organization thrive! Transform your training and relationships today with PSI.

Self-understanding is a necessary prerequisite for learning, growth, and getting along with others. Unleash the full potential of your employees and improve working relationships with the Personal Style Inventory.

Without self-understanding, no amount of formal training or on-the-job experience will enable people to reach their full potential – or improve their relationships with peers, coworkers, and managers. Blind to their own behavioral patterns, they will continue to trip over themselves in the same old ways. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify an individual's dominant personality style.
  • Learn about the 16 different personality styles.
  • Discover the characteristics, strengths, and potential blind spots of each style.
  • Understand how each style interacts with the others – and how to improve these relationships.
  • Discover what types of tasks are suited – or not suited – to each personality style.
  • Develop an action plan to improve performance and relationships with others.

How It Works:

The Personal Style Inventory (PSI) identifies deep-seated style preferences along four paired dimensions:

  • Extroversion or introversion
  • Sensing or intuiting
  • Thinking or feeling
  • Perceiving or judging

The PSI makes it easy for people to "see" how they think, act, and feel. Plus, with eyes wide open, you've taken the first step toward improving your organization's communication, teamwork, leadership, and interpersonal relationships.

What is the primary advantage of Personal Style Inventory over other Jungian-based assessments? Although these instruments use the same theory to measure personality style, the PSI asks individuals to assume a different frame of reference. While other Jungian-based assessments attempt to measure how people usually behave, the PSI measures how people prefer to behave. We believe this unveils a style closer to the true nature of the individual's personality style. Also, the PSI measures the relative strengths of each dimension, which is more helpful to individuals than either/or results presented by other Jungian-based assessments.

Order 1 Facilitator Guide per instructor, and 1 Assessment (#RBPSIA) for each participant (sold in packs of 5 assessments)



Using either the paper (#RBPSIA) or online assessment, individuals respond to a series of 32 statements that relate to four paired dimensions. The result is a personality style profile that is abbreviated by a combination of four letters symbolizing a preference for each dimension (i.e., ISTP = Introversion/Sensing/Thinking/Perceiving).

The paper assessment takes fifteen minutes to complete, and we recommend you allow at least one hour for the interpretation of results, debriefing, and action planning.

 If preferable, an online assessment is available. 

You can extend the learning into two half-day training programs – one for individuals and one for teams – using the workshop instructions and PowerPoint presentation included with the Facilitator Guide. Trainer certification is not required to administer or facilitate the PSI.