
Houston, We Have A Problem...

Cooperation! This challenging activity encourages teams to share information

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In Houston We Have a Problem, teams of lunar astronauts address the logistics of collecting rock samples, erecting a laser beacon and planting a flag. With limited amounts of oxygen and water, cooperation between teams is the only viable solution. Will they get back to Earth safely? This 60-min simulation hammers home the importance of good relations and effective working strategies. An out-of-world experience! But how much time is wasted in competing before teams reach that "A-ha" moment?


  • Show and develop a range of team skills
  • Appreciate the implications of executing a task poorly
  • Communicate clearly
  • Develop clear written and face-to-face communications
  • Address issues of working under pressure
  • Build cooperation between groups, or departments, at work


Teams of lunar astronauts address the logistics of collecting rock samples, erecting a laser beacon and planting a flag. With limited amounts of oxygen and water between teams, cooperation is the only viable solution and the sooner teams realize, and everyone gets 'on-board', the better! Just when it looks like they're on top of it all they'll need to re-group to deal with an emergency communication from Mission Control in Houston. A malfunction in the life-dependent filter needs a quick fix. With the materials available can they do it? Will it work? Will they get back to Earth?

Houston is great way to reinforce the importance of good relations and effective working strategies within teams - and also the difficult but crucially important factor of good relations between teams.


  • Introduce the activity
  • Issue Team Briefs
  • After 30 minutes, issue MESSAGE FROM HOUSTON and observe the effect on team performance
  • After a total of 70 minutes (from the start of the exercise) bring the filter parts together for testing (each team makes 25% of the filter)
  • Lead a Debrief to discuss the learning outcomes and key lessons
  • Relate the lessons to the workplace

Complete Facilitation Notes explain the exercise in more depth and provide discussion notes.

View video clip DEMO below!


  • Trainer's Notes
  • Team Briefs
  • Message from Houston
  • Messaging pads
  • Construction card
  • Scissors, rulers, tape and sticky tape
  • Ball
  • PDF Files of extra, optional forms (Key Points Handouts & Action Plan Forms)


12-24 (4 teams of 3-6 per team)


1.5 hours

"Houston, We Have a Problem" is designed by Northgate Training Activities for face-to-face training.

It is supplied as a hard copy pack and the digital files are supplied via the Northgate Trainerhub and comes with a five-year licence for repeat use with up to 24 participants per training session within the license-holding organization.