
Feedback that Works

Learn to give great feedback!

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This easy-to-use card deck works as a teaching aid, a memory jogger, and a facilitation tool to guide leaders in the best practices for giving feedback. It's a lead-it-yourself toolkit focusing on the “SBI feedback framework” (Situation-Behavior-Impact) in real-world settings.

THE S-B-I METHOD: Based on Center for Creative Leadership's proven methodology, SBI is not only a method designed for managers to give feedback to their direct reports but can also be used for giving feedback to peers or superiors – a capability particularly critical in organizations that encourage transparency.


4 Guidebooks to reinforce & support the receipt and delivery of SBI feedback. The books offer background information and tips on applying the Situation-Behavior-Impact framework in each of these different situations:

    • Feedback in Performance Reviews
    • Ongoing Feedback
    • Feedback that Works
    • Giving Feedback to Subordinates

31 Coach with Conversations Card Deck. Easy reference cards include facilitation tips, feedback questions, positive and negative impact words, 10 common mistakes, and 6 practice scenarios.

50 tear-off SBI practice sheets with tips for practicing feedback in the SBI style on one side and space to write a piece of SBI-style feedback on the reverse. The practice sheets will help people learn how to create and give effective developmental feedback. 



1)  Feedback in Performance Reviews

Effective feedback is one of the most important components of successful performance reviews. Feedback is assessment data that either supports continuing to perform in some manner or targets a desirable change. This guidebook will help you provide performance review feedback that will be well received. It explains three feedback principles and four different types of feedback. Each of these four types is effective when used at the right time and for the right reasons, and they can be used in combination. This guidebook will help you understand when to use the different types of feedback and how to frame a complete feedback message. The rest is practice.

2)  Ongoing Feedback: How to Get It and How to Use It

Do you want feedback that will really do you some good? Consider the source. Think about who to ask, when to ask, and how to ask. But don't stop there. Learn to evaluate the content of the feedback you've received so you can use it effectively.

3)  Feedback that Works: How to Build and Delivery your Message

Effective feedback, whether it's meant for your boss, your peers, or your direct reports, is built around three ideas. One, focus on the situation. Two, describe the other person's behavior you observed in that situation. And third, describe the impact that behavior had on you. The result is a message that is clear and that can inspire action and productive change.

 4)  Giving Feedeback to Subordinates

For whatever reason, managers find it hard to give feedback to their direct reports. To succeed in your leadership role, make feedback a part of developing your direct reports to their full potential. Learn how to provide effective feedback that is empowering, not damaging; that is constructive, not debilitating.

The 31-card Deck: 

  • How to Use These Cards
  • Types of Feedback
  • SBI Feedback
  • SBI Chart
  • Practicing SBI
  • Giving SBI Feedback
  • Receiving SBI Feedback
  • Possible Feedback Questions
  • Positive Impact Words
  • Negative Impact Words
  • Ten Common SBI Mistakes (Common SBI Mistake cards #1-10)
  • SBI Practice Scenarios (Practice Scenarios #1-6)
  • Credit and Resources