
What's My Communication Style Online Assessment

A personality assessment tool to get people talking AND hearing

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Effective communication can improve just about every aspect of your life. It's an especially valuable tool in business, where 70% of small to mid-size companies claim poor communication is their main problem. That kind of breakdown has led to communication being touted as the top skill employers are looking for in potential hires today.

In order to improve your ability to communicate effectively with others, you must first identify and understand your own dominant communication style. This self-assessment takes around 10 minutes to complete, and helps tally up the various communication attributes that define your own personal style.



You will need to purchase 1 online assessment per individual participant. 

If you'll be conducting online assessments regularly, add on the One-Time Online Assessment Administration Fee to create an HRDQ Assessment Center Account for ongoing tracking, administration and support. See product code #SOLASADM, and add to your shopping cart.


This is a downloadable product. You will receive emailed instructions on how to download the software. It may take 1-3 days to receive this email, depending on the day of the week that the order is placed. 


This communication styles assessment works by asking you to respond to 24 different items relating to both verbal and non-verbal communication. Throughout the assessment, you'll have to select statements that best reflect your preferred way of communicating. Each response is taken into account to provide you with an overall summary that correlates with one of four dominant communication styles:

This type of communicator gets to the point when speaking, but could probably use some work to build better listening skills. While usually employing a firm handshake, the Direct communicator also maintains a safe distance with personal space, makes bold movements, and creates the type of workspace that suggests power.
If you move quickly, preside over a cluttered workspace, and are a good storyteller, you're likely a Spirited communicator. This type of person typically doesn't mind getting a little close with personal space and offers handshakes enthusiastically. Careful though, because Spirited people also tend not to pay too much attention to details.
Perhaps you would rather keep opinions to yourself, are always there to lend a helpful ear, and move in a slow, but deliberate manner? In that case, you're probably a Considerate communicator. These folks are also strategic with personal space, keep many photos at their desk, and are quick to offer a measured, but gentle handshake.
If personal contact isn't really your thing, you might be a Systematic communicator. These types of communicators seeks facts when listening and are very precise when speaking. Their movements are controlled, their desks are organized, and their handshakes tend to be short, but polite.

As part of the bestselling HRDQ Style Series, What's My Communication Style? is more than a fun quiz to decipher how your self-expression can be perceived by others (although it can definitely be that!) The communication style assessment is a stepping stone to better self-understanding, and a beneficial tool whether you're a CEO at a large organization, a college student, a member of a marketing team, or someone who's just looking to expand their soft skills for personal reasons.

The full What's My Communication Style? program also follows HDRQ's trusted Experiential Learning Model. Through the Experiential Learning Model, participants are taught via practice and activities the seven different stages of learning: Focusing, Experiencing, Reflecting, Thinking, Modifying, Applying, and Integrating. For instance, through the program's facilitator, participants are able to focus on the concept of personality style. The communication style assessment then allows participants to experience taking inventory of their individual style, reflect and think about the overall style model, and so forth. HRDQ strongly believes experiential games, simulations, and feedback instruments can be incredibly useful for learning skills pertaining to communication, leadership, teamwork, conflict resolution, and more.

The communication styles assessment is also highly adaptable and can integrate easily as a piece of a larger training program. It gives users a powerful tool for identifying strengths and weaknesses in their own communication style, while laying a strong foundation on which to build future success.



Gone are the days of mailing pre-work to participants, shuffling paperwork, and tabulating scores in your head. Here is a streamlined solution that will transform the way you prepare for and deliver training with assessments, whether your audience is 20 or 20,000. The online assessment portal gives you complete control over the entire process, from distribution, to administration, scoring, and data management, all with just a few clicks of a mouse.

As a trainer, the Assessment Center enables you to distribute assessments simultaneously to a global audience, manage and track participant progress and completion, access scores immediately and control the release of results, provide full color results to your audience, and print interpretive reports on demand. Participants have 24/7 access to a secure personal account, the ability to complete assessments from any location, at any time, automatic scoring and instant results.