
UNZIP-it! with Session Opener Conversation Card Deck

UNZIP-it! and start talking about topics that matter!

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UNZiP-it!™ and start talking about topics that matter!

It's time to open up the conversation and talk about the unspeakable! Pop a bunch of pertinent questions into the UNZiP-it!™ zipper mouth and pass the pouch from player to player. Unzip the playful pocket and pull out a discussion topic to spark conversation and build relationships. Invite recipients to pull out a topic, read it to the group and respond.

Stuff the pocket with the following deck of 30 pre-printed cards. Each deck contains the same prompts as its namesake Thumball (you can customize any blank cards with your own discussion prompts)

Pocket: 8” x 6”
Cards: 3.5” x 2.5”

[NOTE: Silver Series Conversation Prompts are available as Thumballs, UNZiP-IT! Pocket & Deck, and Virtual/Remote PPT.]

UNZiP-it!™ With Session Openers Deck Prompts

The prompts on Session Opener are intended to build relationships and tease out session goals, so that facilitators can get their learning sessions off to a good start. To this end, prompts primarily cover these three categories:

  • Getting to Know You - dreams, peeves, wishes, decisions, frustrations, talents
  • Learning Styles  - best teachers, preferred learning methods,  learning goals

Work Styles - proudest accomplishments, creative contributions, strengths

The Session Openers deck helps people get beyond knowing each other and contains deeper questions about motivations, goals, and what makes people tick. The most compelling reason to break the ice is to create a stress-free environment, optimized for learning. (Click on the green card images above to see the prompts)

The inscription on the back says it all:

Feeling shy about speaking out?

Or, not sure what to talk about?

It's easy now to start the flow,

And have discussions bloom and grow.

Unzip the pouch and pick a topic,

Big and broad, or microscopic,

A prompt that doesn't dig too deep,

Or one that makes you take a leap.

Go ahead, reach in and pick it,

Read the prompt and then UNZIP-it!

** TIPS **

Facilitation Suggestions:

Take turns circulating the UNZIP-it!™  Ask players to answer the prompt they've pulled out of the pouch

If you want to kick it up a notch, try these creative twists:

  1. Ask players to anticipate what answer will be given by another player.
  2. Have players recall answers given by previous responders, before adding their own answer.
  3. Ask first recipient to select a question panel to which all players must respond or contribute.
  4. Ask listeners what they think the prompt was.

©Trainers Warehouse – Trainers Warehouse holds the copyright for this set of questions. Reproductions cannot be made without express approval.