
Seeing the Point Toolbox

This problem-solving challenge requires you to do more with less

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Sometimes a powerful learning point can be illustrated in a very simple way. Seeing the Point is not a complex task but it does require an ability to switch thinking styles. Sometimes an individual sees the solution very quickly and applies an intuitive approach to problem-solving. At other times, the problem seems insurmountable.

Seeing the Point is a quick (typically 15 minutes) and simple activity to include in a workshop about creative thinking or creative problem-solving. It is a short individual or small group activity (up to 16 people) that explores some of the thinking skills that enable us to break old patterns and establish new ones. It makes an excellent introduction to any training around innovation.

In this puzzle each individual or small team has 7 pieces and is simply asked to create a number of shapes using the components supplied. Getting that last shape is where the real creative thought is required -- getting resources aligned and making more of what is available than first appears! It brings to life a common issue facing many teams --being asked to do more with less, and then hearing "it can't be done!" from your team members. It's also an interesting and engaging way of introducing the concepts of 'alignment' and 'synergy': the solution to the puzzle is a visual representation of 'doing more with less'.


Seeing the Point is an activity created by US teambuilding expert and author Dr. Jim Cain. This is a perfect activity to use alongside "Challenging Assumptions" puzzle in team-building, innovative thinking, or in large group conference situations.

This puzzle exercise lasts around 10-15 minutes but has a much longer impact!

For 4 individual groups of 3 or 4 people, or they can be combined to work in a slightly different way with one larger team.


The puzzle pieces comes in 4 different colors. Each color has 7 different pieces - Total of 28 pieces per set.

Seeing the Point is designed by RSVP Design Ltd, the creative team behind "Colourblind". Now validated by ILM.