

We guarantee every product we sell. Period.

We promise a no-hassle experience. If you're not fully satisfied, we will exchange, refund or credit your purchase.

We take great care in sourcing and shipping products. In the rare instance of a problem, we pledge to resolve it quickly, with a smile.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or problems!

Exchanges & Returns

  • If you receive a defective or damaged item, we will resolve the problem as quickly as possible at no cost to you. Just call us and we'll work with you to arrange for repair or replacement. As needed, we'll provide a return label. If we're unable to replace or repair the damaged merchandise, we'll provide a full refund for those items.
  • We typically refund your account by the same method you paid for your order. If you require a refund check or exchange, or prefer to keep the credt on your account, we will do our best to accommodate your needs and requests.
  • Despite our best efforts, we sometimes make mistakes. Please let us know so we can fix the issue and send the correct product to you right away. Depending on the situation, we might send a call tag for a return shipment.


  • If you decide that you'd like to return or exchange a product, please call us during business hours or email us. We'll give you simple directions for your return and issue the proper credit.  800-299-3770
  • We typically refund your account by the same method you paid for your order. If you require a refund check or exchange, or prefer to keep the credt on your account, we will do our best to accommodate your needs and requests.
  • If the error was ours, or you experience a quality issue, you will not be responsible for return shipping. If you change your mind about an item, but there was nothing wrong with it, we respectfully request that you cover the cost of the return shipment.

We're always Happy to Help!