Emotional Intelligence - Digital

Discuss key interpersonal skills

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This engaging, interactive Emotional Intelligence exercise is a perfect workplace discussion tool. These 30 EQ conversation prompts will improve mutual understanding and help teams develop stronger emotional intelligence skills. The resource is suitable for use in both virtual and face-to-face training sessions.


  • Learn about the emotional intelligence in an interactive way
  • Help participants’ identify their own EI strengths and weaknessses
  • Build a list of the skills and attributes associated with good EI
  • Understand ways to improve emotional intelligence
  • Reduce stress and make relationships at work (and in life) more rewarding


Emotional intelligence skills are critical to creating a positive work environment, in which productivity, staff well-being and morale can prosper. 

In this engaging activity, you'll show small teams of participants one of the 30 discussion cards (online or printed version). Each card poses an EI-related question that requires a response. Participants are asked to:

  1. Individual responses:  Participants consider their own response and jot personal notes on a handout or notebook. The individual response allows for self-analysis and through trying to reach a team consensus, the card is shared and discussed.
  2. Group Concensus: Teams then discuss their answers within their small group and must agree on a team response. People learn from hearing viewpoints from others and having to give reasons to support their own.

The activity is not in any way a test. Each member of the team has their own forms, so any notes participants make about themselves are strictly for their eyes only.

Facilitators have many options for how they use the cards. The can shuffle the cards and move from question to question. Choose just the few prompts the prefer to discuss. See how many topics they can cover in the allotted time.


The 30 cards are broken into 3 categories. Each category has a different question and response format.

  1. Response Cards (10 cards) - these prompts pose a specific question for consideration. These cards might ask, for instance, What strong personal values influence your actions and decisions?
  2. Yes/No Cards (10 cards) - these ask a yes/no question, then prompt players to consider why they answered as they did. For instance, they might ask if you agree or disagree with a probing statement.
  3. Task Cards (10 cards) - these require to participants to consider the action they might take in a certain situation. For example, Consider how you might regulate your own emotions in a given situation.

Together, the cards show how EI is about self-awareness, self-restraint, empathy, self-esteem and good social skills - and about regulating emotions rather than allowing them to take centre stage.

After the debrief, there is a handout for individuals to take away, to use as a memory aid.


  • 3-24 (up to 4 teams of 3-6 per team)


  • 1 hour + debrief



  • Introduce the activity in plenary session. When using virtually, arrange the group into teams of 3-6 and install in breakout rooms. In the classroom, teams simply sit at different tables.Issue the set of 30 cards to view on-screen (in a virtual or face-to-face setting) or you can print them (if in a face-to-face setting).
  • Teams work through the cards one at a time. If time is limited, you may choose to omit certain cards - or give a time-guide of, for example, two minutes per card.
  • Observe teams in action and collect any interesting interactions for the debrief.
  • Halt proceedings after the hour and allow teams a few moments to reflect on the session.
  • Lead a debrief in plenary to bring out the learning points. The Trainer’s Notes includes a commentary for every card.
  • Finally, issue the Handout that summarizes the topic and gives tips for the future.


  • Trainer’s Facilitation Notes (PDF file)
  • PowerPoint Presentation (PPT file)
  • Set of 30 'Cards' (PPT and PDF files)
  • Handout A: Response Form (PDF file)
  • Handout B: Tasks Form (PDF file)
  • Handout C: Notes on EI (PDF file)


This Northgate Training Activity comes with a five-year license for repeat use with up to 24 participants per training session within the license-holding organisation.

Emotional Intelligence Training Activity is designed by Northgate Training Activitiesand supplied digitally via the Northgate Trainerhub. 



TRAINERS WAREHOUSE is your one-stop shop for training tools that make learning more innovative and fun. You'll find loads of team building and emotional intelligence tools, as well as fidget toys, reusable table tents, and signage solutions for classroom management.

This is a downloadable product. You will receive emailed instructions on how to download the software. It may take 1-3 days to receive this email, depending on the day of the week that the order is placed. 


Emotional Intelligence - Digital

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