
Better Teams - Online Team Coaching Assessment

Better Teams - Online Team Coaching Assessment

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The Better Teams Online Coaching Assessment is like getting a personal coach for your whole team. The 35-question assessment helps you identify on your team’s critical issues so you can work together more effectively and knock your team building out of the park! Have EVERY TEAM MEMBER take the test, then see how you stack up as a group.


The Better Teams model focuses on five critical areas necessary for a high-functioning team. After each person on the team completes the assessment, you'll see a profile of your whole group's strengths and weaknesses, in terms of these 5 critial facets of team succes:

  • Leadership
  • Alignment
  • Readiness
  • Happiness
  • Trust

The questionnaire includes 30-multiple choice questions (6 for each of the 5 disciplines of team effectiveness) plus 5 open-ended questions. Responses are compiled into a single, anonymous team report.


  • 35-question Online Assessment (takes about 15 minutes to complete)
  • Leaders Guide
  • 20-page Assessment Report

[NOTE: repeat purchase is required for follow-up assessments or additional teams.]


The Better Teams Online Coaching Assessment provides you with an easy-to-understand, thorough, 20-page report. Use the report to quickly understand your group’s strengths and blind spots. stimulate discussions about how the team is doing and what the team wants to do to increase their productivity, efficiency, and satisfaction. At a glance, you’ll see:

  • Team’s average score for each of the 5 focus areas
  • Team’s average for the 3 characteristics of each focus area
  • Dimensions on which the team is polarized and lacks agreement
  • Range of answers on each multiple-choice question that the team answered. If a team scored low on a certain attribute, they have an opportunity to discuss
  • Synthesis of answers to open-ended questions.

Energize and engage your team by empowering them interpret the results and determine what actions to take. All you need to do is follow the simple debrief guide and facilitate the discussion to help the team create strategies and actions that they own.

[NOTE: You’ll receive the report about 48 business hours, after every person on the team has completed the assessment.]


Facilitate team discussions about the results of the assessment. Simple follow the Leaders Debrief Guide to coach your team through a productive debrief meeting that results in actions. Plan for 2-4 hours.


The team assessment aligns with the Better Teams Model developed by Leigh Ann Rodgers, CPF, and is based on her experience working with teams for over 20 years.


"The team participants found the survey easy to use and the report results equally user friendly. The “5 Qualities” of a happy and high-performing team is a useful overall framework. These characteristics are like the iceberg below the water line. Companies don’t always see them or pay attention to them on a day-to-day basis. When the team adds comments on the survey for each question, it opens the door in the live review session to bring up sensitive but important conversations that team members are unlikely to bring up on their own in a live meeting. The facilitator guide is a great help in preparing for the actual review meeting with the team." ~ September Spore, Consultant, Meeting Facilitator, Change Coach

"As an LD/OD consultant I have always looked for an assessment that spoke to teams and their leaders about the impact of trust on their success. Trust is the 'wrapper' of the Better Teams Assessment model and provides real time speak without the buzzwords to help each team member leverage themselves and each other more productively. The Better Teams Model helps teams and their leaders gain real alignment on what they need from each other by encouraging conversation about what may be getting in the way of a trusting working environment." ~ Beverly Winkler, President, Inspire Leadership Now, LLC

"Helping people work effectively as a team is a core aspect of my group process facilitation business. When I searched for a team model  and assessment, I found that the Better Teams Model was exactly what I wanted! It helps teams assess their work and relationships and gives me a rich way to support them."  ~ Barbara Pedersen,  CPF, Barbara Pedersen Facilitation Services Inc.