
All Adrift! Digital

Get teams working together, exchanging views and agreeing priorities.

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All Adrift is a short energetic activity to get teams working together, exchanging views and agreeing priorities.   The activity is supplied digitally, for use in virtual or face-to-face training sessions.


Ideal for use as a virtual training activity or virtual training energiser (and also suitable for face-to-face classrooms too), each team member receives a Brief, telling them the scenario: they are crew members on a yacht, on a sailing holiday off the west coast of France.

An emergency arises when a fire starts in the galley and quickly spreads. They quickly inflate and launch a dinghy but much of the yacht is consumed by fire and they are able to grab only 14 items before abandoning ship.

Teams have a list of the 14 items and are asked to select the top ten most useful items for the situation. Once chosen, they must rank the items 1 to 10, with No.1 being the most important.

First, participants must do this on their own to provide an individual ranking. Then, participants are asked to work in their teams to prepare a 'team' ranking. Both individual and team rankings are recorded on a Ranking Form. There is also a Score Chart, so all the rankings can be scored and compared.

How effectively did participants work together as a team? What did they score - individuals and teams? How well did teams perform compared with individuals?

The chart is based on an 'Expert Ranking' provided by the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI). Teams may choose to challenge this ranking but it will need to be a well-founded challenge!

Clear thinking, convincing argument and team rapport are all vital!

An ideal starter or team energizer on any course.


  • Briefly introduce the training activity in plenary. Explain the activity has two parts, the first is for individuals to do on their own. The second is for team members to work together on the task.
  • Allocate teams (3-4 per team) and put into breakout rooms.
  • Send a copy of the Team Brief and a copy of the Ranking Form to each participant. If necessary, participants can draw up their own Ranking Form on paper.
  • Tell them they each have 15-20 minutes to complete the task, on their own.
  • After the allotted time ask them to now work as teams and repeat the ranking process. Announce teams have 30 minutes.
  • Visit the breakout rooms to observe teams at work.
  • Stop the activity at the allotted time. Issue the How to Score chart, so that all rankings can be scored.
  • Debrief in a plenary session. Ask for volunteers to share their individual scores, then ask the same of teams. Alternatively, ask for a show of hands for each rating band. Explain the scores are based on an RNLI ranking.
  • How did teams perform? How did they work as a team? Did a leader or coordinator emerge? How easily did they reach consensus?
  • Were the consensus decisions of the team better or worse than the individual scores? What do the outcomes indicate?
  • A flipchart/shared whiteboard might be useful - to list key points.

Full guidance is provided in the Trainer's Notes.


  • To grasp the essence of a situation
  • To think clearly and logically - and use common sense
  • To evaluate levels of importance
  • To be able to put a point of view convincingly
  • To be prepared to compromise


  • Trainer's Notes
  • Team Brief
  • Ranking Form
  • How to Score Chart

This Northgate training activity is delivered through an online portal and comes with a five-year licence for repeat use with up to 24 participants per training session within the license-holding organization.

All Adrift is designed by Northgate Training Activities. 

This is a downloadable product. You will receive emailed instructions on how to download the software. It may take 1-3 days to receive this email, depending on the day of the week that the order is placed.